COVID Summer Recovery - Week 9: Is My Kid Okay?
What’s it going to be like?
Now that we have practice with self-monitoring, mindfulness, self-care, emotions, thoughts, & problem-solving, it’s time to put all of that into practice! Whether your kid went back to in-person learning before summer or they will be returning after a full year of distance learning – we all have thoughts and emotions about this (and we’ll likely continue to have them).
Download this week’s handout and activity to learn how to help your kid reflect on their experience after a stressful event and begin to move forward !
Why is it important to reflect on your experiences?
this allows your kid to process and let go of past events and future worries
builds a deeper connection with you as they realize you care and want to understand.
helps to normalize all of their feelings!
helps them to recognize what things they coped with well and what they didn’t so they can move on