COVID Summer Recovery - Week 10: Who Is My Kid?

Who Am I & Who Do I Want To Be?

  • We are social beings that have not been social for over a year now. When your kid enters back into school be prepared for lot’s of emotions! And with lot’s of emotions be prepared for them to be more tired, which means they may be more irritable.

  • Download this week’s handout and activity to learn more about why your kids are experiencing this and how to help them!

Why is it important to know who you are?

  1. better ability to accept and deal with emotions.

  2. increased empathy for others (since they can manage their own emotions).

  3. greater resilience to stressful events.

  4. parents who validate who their child is and who they want to be develop a deeper sense of connection with their child



If any of the activities seem difficult for your child to either understand or they seem highly emotional while completing them, please considering reaching out for professional support as this may be an indication they need additional help.


COVID Summer Recovery - Week 9: Is My Kid Okay?