Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing.

a.k.a. EMDR

What is EMDR?

Eye-Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy is an evidenced based practice for kids, tweens and adolescents that have experienced either a single trauma or multiple traumas and are currently experiencing emotional and/or behavioral challenges as a result of the trauma. It is a mind-body modality that helps to build insight and coping skills that will allow the individual to be able to reprocess their traumatic experience(s) so they can move forward with their life and walk in this world the way they want to.

How does it work?

EMDR is an 8-phase model that utilizes the brain’s own adaptive information processing system to help desensitize heightened emotions that arise from past memories, present triggers, and future concerns.

This is done utilizing Bilateral Stimulation (BLS), also referred to as “dual attention”, which is simply using alternating eye-movements, tones, or physical movements to help our brain access helpful information and integrate it. This is very similar to the process that occurs during REM sleep!

EMDR is unique in that you do not need to share and/or talk about the trauma that you have experienced - you just need the right environment for your own self-healing system to be accessed! And that is what I am here for!

Who is it for?

EMDR has been shown to be effective for people aged 4+ that have experienced a single trauma or multiple traumas in their life and are currently experiencing emotional and/or behavioral challenges. EMDR is also effective for anxiety, depression, relational issues, eating disorders, and more!

  • Possible Traumas: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, car accident, bullying, dog bite, divorce, loss of loved one, severe illness, witnessing violence, going through a natural disaster - or any other life threatening or scary event.

  • Emotional and behavioral challenges: depression, anxiety, aggression, disobedience, sexualized behavior problems, shame, trauma-related cognitions, lack of trust in others, and difficulty with social skills.

Please note that trauma is any event that exceeds our ability to cope and trauma will try to convince you not to seek help by saying “it’s not that bad.”

I’m a Certified EMDR Therapist

With a Specialization in treating children!