April Showers: When you don’t know what to do anymore!
Should I send my kid back to school?
Is better to send them back full-time or part-time?
Should I give my kid the vaccine?
How much is this all impacting my kid?
Pros and Cons!
That’s right! Whenever I am feeling stuck, overwhelmed, confused, or I just can’t seem to make a decision that feels right for me - I make a pros/cons list. But not just any pro/cons - I really get into into! Let’s take a look at how to do it…
Create a grid similar to the one below….
Now, you may be thinking…the pros of doing something is the same thing as the cons of not doing something (and I ALWAYS have a similar thought going into making my own), but in my experience with myself and with clients, this actually provides a richer experience.
Be sure to include things like your personal feelings, what you think is best, what you have heard is best, the judgements you think you’ll get from others, what may happen after the decision is made or not made (either “good” or “bad”) - basically - GET IT ALL OUT THERE!!
After you’ve put everything on the table so to speak, go through your list and identify:
Problems I can solve
Things I may need accept
You may find that as you identify problems to solve, there are additional pros/cons lists that need to be made - and that is okay! You are one step closer to figuring out what is best for YOU and YOU’RE FAMILY!