COVID Summer Recovery - Week 2: Are You In This Moment?

What is Mindfulness?

  • Most people think of mindfulness as some spiritual “woo-woo” type of thing where you have -0- thoughts whatsoever. And while it can be spiritual if that is what you want to get out of it – this week’s handout and activity introduces a way of thinking about it that feels a little more concrete! And I want to assure you that even the best practitioners of mindfulness are also thinking about what they will be having for dinner while they practice.

Why Practice Mindfulness?

1. increases attention span

2. helps us know what we like and don’t like (sometimes kids think they like tv in the moring, but find it actually makes them more irritable throughout the day)

3. acceptance is shown to reduce feelings of suffering for things we can’t control

4. develops brain connections between the smart part of the brain (prefrontal cortex) and the emotional part of the brain (limbic system) to support emotional regulation and improve mental health!

5. and when we are in the present moment, it is easier to connect with others) especially our kids!


If any of the activities seem difficult for your child to either understand or they seem highly emotional while completing them, please considering reaching out for professional support as this may be an indication they need additional help.


COVID Summer Recovery - Week 1: What Just Happened?


COVID Summer Recovery - Week 3: Have You Been Taking Care of Yourself?